Monday, September 3, 2007

Guess who

This is a picture of the newest member of the Majors peleton completing a 4 mile mountain bike ride. Any guesses on who this fearless youngster is??????

Of course it is our little Allison. We have been mountain biking twice and she has had a blast. She is already talking about getting a mountain bike so that she can ride over the rocks. This is the spot where she mustered the courage to ride into the river. The first time that we went I pointed to and told her that was where I rode in the river and got wet. I started to turn around to go back but Allison was off her bike surveying the situation. She was nervous and scared the first time down and needed about 5 minutes to make up her mind to try it. Right after she hit the cold water and realized what had just happened and how scared she was she had a good cry. Luckily she figured out that the other side was not as steep and she makes sure that when we ride that she rides in the river 3 or 4 times.

Alli taking a much deserved rest.

New photos of Zachary and kids

The three musketers. Aren't they cute! Allison 71/2 yrs. , Spencer 5 1/2 yrs., and Zachary 2 weeks.

The kids like this one because they say it looks like he is getting ready to karate chop someone. :)

Here he is only a week old and already deep in thought. So much like his daddy.

Zachary coming home

Allison and Spencer picked out the cute outfit for Zachary to wear home from the hospital.
Zachary - his first ride in the carseat on the way home from the hospital.