Today was the primay program. Both Alli and Spencer had parts that they memorized beforehand and did a fantastic job. Spencer says "I liked it when I was doing my part." Allison says "I liked when we did the sign language for "Jesus said love everyone." Spencer's Lines: I know that when Joseph Smith was praying for help that Heavenly Father and Jesus came down to talk to him."
Allison's lines: "When my grandma broke her hip, I was able to help my mom clean her house. It was a lot of fun and it made me feel good to help my grandma."
Spencer is doing well in school and enjoys reading books and working on the computer every Monday. Alli enjoys science and math. She also enjoys checking out books from the library.
Alli's entry:
I also like to go on type to learn. It is a computer game. It teaches how to type.
Spencers entry:
tomorrow on monday i am going to watch transformers. it is fun when i play with zachary. some transfomers r bad.